An excellent alternative to a costly inpatient rehabilitation and treatment program is to find a suitable outpatient treatment program. The difficult part about one of these programs is finding one that will allow an alcoholic to only participate in an outpatient program, as many require that those with an alcohol addiction first participate in 30-60 days of inpatient treatment and then transition to an outpatient program.
As well, many individuals believe that an outpatient program will simply mean remaining in their homes and visit a therapist a few times a week. On the contrary, many outpatient programs actually refer to a sober living facility that gives individuals a little more freedom in the style of living and decision making. These are often referred to as halfway houses or transitional homes.
Sober living facilities make it easier for individuals to recover from their alcohol addiction without being surrounded by the temptations of life the way they used to be, or the way they would be in the comfort of home, or surrounded by old demons that remind individuals of the need to drink.
If you are looking for a sober living facility that functions as an outpatient alcohol addiction treatment program, it is best to check with your therapist or the current inpatient facility you reside in to help place you somewhere near your home. This way you can remain near your work or near family, but away from temptations of old friends or being allowed to have alcohol in your home.
Keep in mind that while outpatient sober living facilities will allow more independence, it does mean more restraint on the part of the addict. Outpatient facilities are not free of rules and restrictions, though, and there will be regular check-ups to make sure the individual is not participating in unacceptable activities or breaking the rules. If so, it is likely the person will be removed from the program.
There are also some outpatient treatment programs for alcohol addiction that allow individuals to remain at home. These programs are likely to be found in larger cities where there are larger support systems and more resources for outpatient recovery.
Often, outpatient alcohol addiction treatment will be required by the court system, which often cannot demand that individuals go to inpatient recovery programs. With this in mind, it is likely that the individual participating in the program will be given a specific court appointed counselor or probation officer who will be there to "check in" on their progress and their rehabilitation. This often happens after a number of DWIs or with domestic related alcohol abuse situations.
Outpatient programs where the individual remains in their own home can be extremely effective if the individual has set their mind on overcoming their addiction to alcohol but does not have the means to take off a great deal of work or to leave their home because of small children or finances.
Important additional steps that can be taken in order to ensure individuals in outpatient programs will remain sober is to only surround yourself with supportive friends and family. This means, at least temporarily, breaking ties with anyone who was an old drinking buddy or a bad influence regarding addiction.
It will also require that individuals find daily support groups and meetings to help them get through each and every day. This can be a full fledged 12-step program like Alcoholics Anonymous or a casual group that meets a few times a week at a local community center.
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