Recent statistics show that nearly 15 million Americans have an alcohol addiction. The same research shows that only 3-7% of alcoholics can actually quit drinking on their own, leaving the majority of alcoholics continuing a cycle of addiction.
If you, or someone you love, is addicted to alcohol, there are many different places to look for help and treatment. The most difficult step in seeking help is first having the addict admit that they need help. The other necessary component for seeking help is the alcohol addict deciding that they want help with their addiction. A family intervention or forced rehabilitation will not work unless the person truly is ready to admit their problem with alcohol and decides they want to make a change in their life. Without this, it is likely that the person will simply continue down the same destructive path.

For family members interested in seeking for a loved one, or for an individual that is ready to seek treatment on their own, it is important to know the many different types of alcohol addiction treatment that are available before deciding what is best for you and your lifestyle.
There are many different factors to consider, as well, including the type of help that will make it the least tempting for an addict to return to their previous lifestyle and the cycle of addiction.
The most intensive type of help is an inpatient treatment facility that will require the individual to voluntarily check themselves in for rehabilitation treatment. Despite stereotypes of these facilities being the institution like, they are most often very comfortable, individualized living facilities that is situated much like a hotel room, except with detoxification assistance, as well as regular group meetings, therapy sessions, and round the clock assistance with handling your addiction. The downside to this type of help is that if your insurance does not pay for it, the costs will come out of pocket. As well, the treatment usually only lasts 30-90 days, leaving the patient on their own after this point, although many facilities will recommend additional outpatient facilities or therapists in your area.
An outpatient facility is another option if an inpatient facility is too costly. With this treatment help, a patient will be assigned a therapist who will aid in the detoxification process by prescribing necessary medication, as well as conduct counseling session up to twice a week. Again, a disadvantage to this type of treatment is dependent on whether or not the patient's insurance will pay for the treatment, which could last up to a few months.
The most cost efficient method of treatment help for alcohol addiction would be participating in group therapy sessions, a twelve-step program, or alcohol addiction meetings. Often, if these sessions are held in a church or a community center, they will be free to those in the community or will only charge a nominal fee for regular attendance. The disadvantage of this type of help is that it leaves much of the work up to the patient, giving them the option to go home and begin drinking again or to avoid attending group sessions and meetings.
Other resources available for alcohol addiction include print sources such as books, magazines, and online websites. With the addition of technology to website blogs and online chat rooms, alcohol addiction resources have continued to expand to include these technologies. These resources are especially helpful for that immediate craving when a counseling session is not scheduled or a meeting is not available for the day. An addict can hop online and find strength through other alcoholics that are struggling with the same cravings and temptations.
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